Devils River - Texas
When seeking out a multi-day, remote river kayaking adventure, surrounded by pristine whitewater fed by underground springs, great fishing and no crowds... few think of Texas. Just outside the small town of Del Rio, lies the Devils River, a 3-hour jaunt from the San Antonio airport and a couple more hours down rocky roads that will likely leave you with flat tires (only 2 for us).

Lying on the borderland, this is the true wild-west of Texas. Isolated from most things, and putting you off the grid for days, essentials include food, water and a satellite phone.

The wild and scenic river attracts paddlers and fishermen seeking a pristine river experience, and is recommended only for experienced paddlers equipped to spend 3+ days (and nights) on the river.

The smallmouth and largemouth bass were abundant, with a few feisty sunfish to put a good bend in the Tenkara Rods.

We tackled the river in our new Topo Designs x Oru Collaboration Kayak. Oru Kayaks are extremely portable, going from box to boat in a few minutes.

These kayaks can go just about anywhere and pack up to store easily—all thanks to origami. On the water they’re lightweight, sturdy and durable.

Permitting and regulations are strict, so it's highly advised to do your research ahead of time to be fully prepared for the trip.

If you are looking to get out on the water this summer be sure to check out our On The Water collection.